Self-Care Practices Part 1 – Restoring Energy and Health


Another reason many of us are so tired all of the time is because we aren’t taking care of our bodies by exerting ourselves. We aren’t take care of our hearts by keeping them healthy. It’s time we get off of our butts and do SOMETHING to get our body moving.

A common problem with this is that most people immediately think this means they need to get a gym membership or something. And while that is the best option for some people, it will not be ideal for everyone, especially those with time or money constraints. But this doesn’t mean there isn’t a way to get active that will work for you!

Here are a few ways I use as opportunities to be active more and enjoy the activity:

Go for a walk! Whether it’s you by yourself, with a friend, sibling, or significant other, or with your dog (or perhaps your cat?) and walk around the block! When I do this, I also bring a bag with me to pick up trash along the way! Some people bring small hand weights with them and do some extra exertion on their walk. It’s also nice to go to the park sometimes and walk around as well!

Go for a hike! Perhaps you’re like me and prefer to be outdoors while you’re working out, but also want to be in a place with little to no people. Hiking is also particularly enjoyable if it’s somewhere where the air is fresh and clean. Being out in nature has been proven to have a significant effect on our bodies, from our immune system to our concentration abilities.

Do some chores! Sometimes the best exercise you can get in a short amount of time is cleaning around the house. Sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, washing dishes and clothes, and folding laundry are all very strenuous after doing them for a while. For some people, certain chores act as a form of meditation for them, particularly folding clothes.

Do yard work! Being outside, pulling weeds, raking leaves, mowing the grass, or even gardening can help to get your body moving. Plus, being outside in the sun and the fresh air will also be food for your health! If you start to get tired or overheated, make sure to take a break and find shade. And remember to drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated!

Dance! Sometimes the best way to get your body moving to dance. If you’re self-conscious of other people watching you, do it when no one is looking or when you have the place to yourself! Do it while you’re doing chores! Do it in the shower! Do it while you’re cooking and listening to music! You can even do it in the car a little! Whenever you get the chance, move your body, whether the music is there or not!

Get some exercise apps or watch exercise videos! For those who can’t go to the gym or don’t feel comfortable going, you can always find something you can do, right from home! In today’s world, there is an app or an instructional video for just about anything you can think of. So whether it’s for specific area exercises like arms, legs, or your core muscles, cardio or aerobics, or even weight training, you can find something somewhere to guide you!

Jump! Jump rope is an amazing cardio exercise that helps keep your heart healthy, and you can do it just about anywhere, as long as the rope fits. I’ve even seen people doing the movement without a rope and just jumped in place. Jumping jacks are also a good way to get your blood pumping as well!

Whatever you decide to do, find something works best for you and your body! Do not overwork yourself. Know and trust your body and your limits. Don’t be afraid to push yourself or set goals, but don’t hurt yourself in the process. Keep track of your progress as you go along, whether it is your weight goals, blood pressure goals, or so on. And, never forget to love your body and the journey you are taking on! Getting back into physical shape takes a lot of time and dedication. So do not ever give up on yourself or feel discouraged if you don’t see results right away.

Overall, exercising will help keep your heart healthy, keep your brain active, and your body in shape. People who exercise regularly are better equipped to fight off depression, stress, and other health issues, as well as improving things like our immune system and our ability to concentrate. In fact, new research has shown that those that don’t exercise regularly have the same and sometimes even higher chances of health issues like high blood pressure and diabetes than those who smoke cigarettes frequently.

So get out there and get your blood pumping! And try to find someone to work out with you if that helps to keep you on track!

Go Outside in The Sun and Get Some Fresh Air

Some days the only major exposure to sunlight we get is in the car on our drive to work or home. However, this is not sufficient for our health. It’s no wonder that so many people are affected by SAD, or Seasonal Affective Disorder, a type of depression that occurs during the winter months when we have fewer daylight hours and thus less sun exposure. And if that’s something you already are afflicted by in some way or another the rest of the year, making sure you get adequate sunlight can help to minimize the effects. This might be a little harder to manage in winter though, as it’s best to get about two hours of sunlight during this season for our bodies to produce enough Vitamin D, compared to just 10-20 minutes in the spring and summer. If your schedule makes it so that you get out after the sun has set, try to get up early to go for a walk, garden, or sit outside for a while before you start your day or get ready for work.

In addition to sunlight, keep in mind the need to get fresh air as well. We often are inside most of the day breathing in recirculated air that may contain any number of irritants and contaminants, like dust, mold, and air-borne pathogens (especially concerning during flu seasons and when bugs start going around work). As such, it’s good to go outside as often as you can. Before work, after work, on your lunch, on your break, and especially on your days off. If you can frequently go somewhere where the air isn’t as dirty, like a park or trail with less exposure to things like smog or car exhaust, go there. It can help improve your mood, your energy, and your health. And, if you’re being active, like going for a daily walk, you’re getting some exercise in too, where the benefits speak for themselves.

Lastly, if you spend a lot of time inside an enclosed space like your room or office, consider getting a room air purifier. This can help to clean the air in the areas you spend the most time in to reduce the things you inhale from the indoor air.

Do Yoga

Combining the last two suggestions, of being more physically active and getting fresh air, doing yoga has amazing health benefits as well, and can be done for just a couple minutes a day, or longer if you prefer. Whether you look up an app or video or go to an actual yoga class, there is plenty of opportunities to do this exercise. My suggestion would be to at least start off small, by setting a time when you do yoga, whether it’s in the morning when you’re starting your day or in the evening before bed. Commit to this time, and make sure you do a series of stretches and yoga exercises during your set time slot. There are also different exercises you can do that have different focuses on the body. For instance, I like to focus on my back and my legs, as well as my balance. Make sure to push yourself to hold each stretch for a set amount of time. I like to push myself to hold each stretch for 30 seconds. I count the seconds in my head while I focus on breathing. This is also a great opportunity to meditate as well! Just stay focused on your breathing and counting and that 30 seconds, or even a minute, will go by fast.

Yoga also has some very therapeutic benefits as well. Some people have even managed to heal chronic illnesses and other issues through yoga. There was a young man a few years back who was injured in the military and was partially paralyzed from the waist down. He started doing yoga, and kept at it just about every day for months and months, until he regained control of his muscles and was able to get himself to walk again. Yoga has also been shown to help with things like PTSD, particularly with war veterans.

Whatever your purpose through doing yoga is, it is a great way to practice self-care, especially if it’s easier for you to do that committing to an exercise regimen. Try to get someone to join you, and you’ll have more fun and have an easier time committing to do it!

Catherine Daleo

Student. Dog mom. Writer. Artist. Hiking Enthusiast. Environmentalist. Humanitarian. Animal lover. Reader. Conversationalist.

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