“The world is full of poetry. The air is living with its spirit; and the waves dance to the music of its melodies, and sparkle in its brightness.”

James Gates Percival


No matter what style of poetry, this is where you can find any that is shared to our site by our content creators! 

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Graphic with different weather suggesting the different seasons.

The Seasons of Life

Callianna shares her correlation between the seasons of the year and those of life in a beautiful poem in soliloquy format.

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In the late night churning of an over-caffeinated brain, a poem was born about our current collective pain.

In the coming weeks, millions will have lost their jobs or homes or may have died.
But we can prevent this catastrophe and fight back if we are strongly unified.

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Plastic, Plastic, Everywhere

Plastic plastic everywhere, Everything is plastic, does no one care? Bags and bottles flying around, Microplastics in the air and in the ground. The saying is “Out

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