We Are Millennials in Motion!

Average Millennials – Not your average magazine! 

"An object in motion tends to remain in motion."
-Isaac Newton

"Together we stand; Divided we fall."
-Pink Floyd, 'Hey You'

Who Are We?

We are a multi-passionate online magazine and community platform working to encourage people to #GetinMotion! 

We are a community of young adults who wish to break down the negative stereotypes about our generation through action. This organization is made up of writers, artists, speakers, and of people with other talents that when put together, provide content, develop conversation, and build a community to grow our relationships with others.

Through our mission to combine content, conversation, and community to develop unity, our content reflects what’s important to our creators and what messages are important to share. 

To be transparent, we would like to make clear that we are not a non-profit; we’re a business with an altruistic foundation and dedication to the community.

All of our content is free for anyone to view, so instead, we make revenue through store sales, our Patreon community, and later, our community platform we’re working on launching! 

What Do We Do?

First and foremost, we are a publication. We publish content (mostly written) about a multitude of topics, especially those related to our community and generation. Through this, we hope to spark conversation and action in the community! 

We also create and sell sticker designs and other merchandise to fund our operations! Check out our store see what we offer! 

With a dedication to our community, we try to set an example by doing frequent community actions, including cleanups, donation drives, and more! We try to do at least one event a month, and are always encouraging our followers to get involved with us! Check out some of our past actions

While we are not inherently a political organization, we acknowledge politics is in every facet of our lives, and therefore we are going to be involved in them. We work with various organizations that work specifically in politics, will show support for legislation going through our state or national legislature, and may endorse certain candidates. 

We also want our magazine to be more than just a publication –  we want it to be a community platform! Through this platform, we want to better encourage AND incentivize people to take action in their own communities and the world around them. Until our platform is ready to launch, keep an eye out for our #AvenuesToAction in our content and events! 

Our Core Values


We do not want to be passive in the world anymore. We want to be active and involved in it as much as we can. We don’t want to sit around wondering when something will be fixed or who will fix it. The answer is now and it is us – the people. It is therefore a value of ours to embody and inspire action in any way we can.


Our contributors and team members are held accountable for maintaining credibility in their content, in the community we present, and in their own lives. They are expected to uphold this by not only providing evidence for their claims but by being an example of their words. 


At M.i.M. we value diversity greatly. We want as many views and perspectives as possible, shared in an objective and respectful manner. We want to bring together as many people from opposing view points, life experiences, and ways of thinking to better relate with others in the world and bring them together.


We will always do our best to ensure objectivity as much as we can.  We understand that it’s impossible to remove all forms of bias, but we structure our content and vetting process to be aware of bias that is present and remove it as necessary.  

Personal Responsibility

We advocate for everyone, our contributors and our community members to take responsibility into their own hands. From accepting fault when appropriate to being active in the world and your community, we encourage everyone to build their own brand and maintain it through their words and actions. 


We value understanding and respectfulness greatly in our organization, and in our community. In our effort to foster solidarity, we actively exercise this in our content, our communication, and our affiliations. Whether we or our audience agrees with one another, we will always work towards recognizing and considering others and their views. 

Please Bear With Us...

We understand that the journey we are embarking on is a long and difficult one; it will not be easy to accomplish our goals and see our visions come to fruition, if they ever do. 

We acknowledge that this is a new experience for us all, that there will be bumps and curves in the road, and that we will have to learn as we go along. We will have to discover what works best for our community and what works best in how to work towards our goals. 

We will do our best to evolve as needed to respond to our community’s needs or to changing forces, be they internal or external. 

If there is ever an issue or concern or suggestion to be brought to our attention, please don’t hesitate to contact us! The feedback of our community will allow us to respond quickly, adjust as needed, and grow effectively. 

If you can be patient with us, we can accomplish a lot together!  

We do not expect everyone to agree with us, agree with the content we produce, agree with what we do, or even agree with our missions. We are not here to tell anyone what to think, what opinions to have, or demand that anyone change their beliefs or views.

We do, however, hope that we can bring people together to find their commonalities, rather than focus on their differences, in order to improve our relationships with other people and find compromises to problems in the world and our communities.

We feel that the divide between “us” and “them” has been made to be too deep, and we want to start coming together with other people and learn where they come from and why they believe what they do.

We want to learn more about those who disagree with us in order to better understand them and try to find ways to meet them halfway in developing solutions. 

To be clear however, we do not tolerate things like bigotry, racism, sexism, fascism, and so on. We will not entertain those types of debates with people on issues including but not limited to whether people deserve rights or deserve to be treated with human dignity. We will not entertain conspiracy theorists or people simply looking for an argument or to harm others. We are not here to bubblewrap the world, but hatred is not acceptable on this platform. 

Learn More About Us!

Learn more about the goals we wish to accomplish! 

Check out the things we’ve done to get involved in our own local community of Las Vegas! 

Check out the many amazing people and organizations we work with in one way or another! 

We support their missions and their causes, so we support them!