Sign this petition by the Native Voters Alliance of Nevada to get Indigenous Peoples’ Day recognized as a formal holiday in Nevada!
Text from petition page:
Indigenous Peoples’ Day is a holiday celebrated on the second Monday of October in the United States, in lieu of Columbus Day. It is much more than a holiday, however; Indigenous Peoples’ Day at its core, aims to celebrate and honor the past, present, and futures of Native peoples throughout the United States and acknowledges the legacy of colonialism, which has devastated Indigenous communities historically and continues to negatively impact them today.
Observation of Indigenous Peoples’ Day pushes back on the invisibility of Native peoples
Education: Mainstream representations of Native Americans are largely absent, when representations are available, they are limiting and stereotypical. For example, 87% of references to Native Americans in all 50 states’ academic standards portray Native Americans in a pre-1900s context. Research reveals that Native peoples, and their experiences, are largely rendered invisible within contemporary society. Teachers report feeling least confident about teaching materials related to Native peoples and Native history, despite recognizing the importance of such material. Many people now believe that Natives have vanished.
History: The observation of Indigenous Peoples’ Day counters false historical narratives embedded within the celebration of Columbus Day–such as, Columbus discovering America and explorers treating Indigenous peoples with respect. Columbus committed numerous atrocities against the Indigenous peoples of Hispaniola and the Bahamas (where he actually landed). Re-centering Indigenous perspectives allows people to gain a better understanding of Indigenous resistance and resilience in the face of colonization. School curricula may shift to include discussions of the Indigenous histories and cultures of the Tribal nations that exist and acknowledge the lands they occupy today.
There are 27 Tribal communities in Nevada. There are more than 50,000 urban Natives from Tribes all across the U.S. living in our state. Please support this petition to recognize Indigenous Peoples’ Day in Nevada as we move toward a statewide effort of acknowledging our shared history in America.
This petition is excerpted from: Illuminative publication: For Our Future: An Advocate’s Guide to Supporting Indigenous Peoples’ Day.