MiM Mag Noticeboard
Here is where we will post any and all notices for both our site guests and our (future) community members!
Notices are posted with the most recent ones being at the top.
Please refer to this page often to check for updates on various news and other notices we will be posting here to stay up to date on anything going on with the organization! This includes notices on events we have planned, updates on site features, revisions to policies (Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, Community Guidelines, etc.), announcements of any partnerships, sponsorship, or other affiliations, and any other notices we feel should be shared with the community!
Notices will for now appear as text on this page. When we later launch our community platform, they will appear as an actual post which can be opened and commented on. The type of notice posted will be determined by the subject matter of the notice, and whether or not we are seeking comments by our community members. Generally (but not in all cases), updates that pertain to all site users will be a basic text post, and updates that specifically affect community members will most likely be an actual post open for comments and input by the community.
If there is an update post you feel you need clarification or have a concern to share, please contact us at support@mimmag.com, with message subject pertaining to the notice in question.
Active Notice/Update Posts
December 2021 Notices
Dec. 1st, 2021 – Hi Everyone! I just wanted to say a quick thank you to everyone for your support of the magazine! I’ve had a lot going on the last couple of months that took away from my ability to keep up on things, which is why there haven’t been any new articles published or other things really happening lately. I felt you all deserved an explanation for the near-radio silence on my end with everything. So thank you for sticking by me and the work I’m trying to do through the magazine.
That being said, since I started the magazine in 2018, I have not taken a legitimate break from working on magazine things. So this is long overdue for me, but I need to take an intentional mental health break through the end of the year. My mental health has not been great lately and I need some time to be purposeful in how I manage that.
So, while I might get some things published that have been delayed from the past two months, I will not be as active I normally am (or normally attempt to be). Instead, I will be taking some time to prepare for the new year so I can try to start 2022 off as strong as possible. So even though I’ll be taking a break from the forefront of things, I will still be working on things in the background. I suppose that’s not really a break, but I plan to “return” sometime the first or second week of January, and hopefully have some exciting new things to share with you all!
Thank you all for your understanding, your patience, and your support!
July 2020 Notices
July 26th, 2020 – Hello everyone! I’ve been working a lot over the past few months on how to go about things with this organization and how to continue our growth in the community and beyond. In that process I have decided to pull the majority of our focus inward to the local community, as you may have seen most recently with the articles on how the pandemic has affected local businesses and organizations, and how you can help support them in this time of need. I hope that through this, we can grow a community and following locally, and then build from there. Our dedication is to the Las Vegas community first and foremost, so that is who our content will primarily be focusing on moving forward.
That being said, while localized content is the main focus at this time, there will still be content produced that covers more generalized topics that may not specifically relate to anything local to Las Vegas. There are still an abundance of issues that myself and other team members want to cover in our content, so that will still be a part of our publication.
Besides content, I am currently working on developing some designs to make stickers with! These are of course with the purpose of continuing to raise funds for our community platform, as well as our general site expenses. Please keep an eye out for these to help support us! Our newest design is our ‘Embrace Change’ sticker, which you can purchase here.
Regarding our community platform we’re developing, we’re now looking at hopefully having a basic platform ready to roll-out by September or October. Stay tuned for updates as they are available.
Lastly, I am trying to get back on track with seeing how the organization can continue being active in the community, outside of our local content. Me and a friend did an impromptu cleanup two days after the 4th of July in order to help mitigate the mess caused from the holiday celebrations and get the fireworks debris out of our roadways and waterways. I am hoping to organize a small cleanup at the beginning of next month as well. And, I have been working on some art pieces relating to the recent anti-racism protests around the country, and have been trying to see how I can conduct a raffle of them to benefit a local organization working to help with the protests, such as the Vegas Freedom Fund. Once I have confirmation on how I can do this, I will make posts for it, so stay tuned on our social media pages!
Other than that, I am working hard at keeping the organization in a constant motion, with frequent content and some level of consistent community action. With so much going on, most of my team has had to deal with things going on in their lives, especially relating to everything happening in the world, so content by the team other than myself has been limited as of late, which is why you’ve been seeing so much of mine recently. But don’t worry, your favorite content creators will be back in their own time with fresh content and perspective on the state of the world, and the issues that are important to them!
As always, please let me know if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, for the betterment and growth of this organization! Your feedback and support means the world to me, and I wouldn’t be able to do all of this without it!
From me and my team, I hope you and your loved ones are safe and well, and are holding up all right during this crisis.
Please contact us directly at contact@mimmag.com if you need any assistance within the Las Vegas area!
– Catherine Daleo
March 2020 Notices
March 22, 2020 – Hello all! I just wanted to give an update on both the website itself, and with the current situation with everything going on in the world.
For the website, I am pleased to say we are currently in the process of developing our community platform, and should have something come mid-to-late summer, if things go well. That being said, with everything going on in both our local community and abroad, there is definitely potential for a delay of the platform being developed. But we are hopeful, and will keep you updated when there is anything to report on.
In regard to the overall situation affecting everyone across the globe, we are following any guidelines by the CDC, as well as any instruction by Governor Sisolak. That being said, the clean ups that we had scheduled for April and May are currently canceled. We will be seeking other opportunities to help out our local community over the next couple of weeks instead.
I would personally like to apologize for the lull in updates and posts the last several weeks, as I have been balancing school, working part-time at two different jobs, and managing this organization, and I have admittedly slacked on my work here, at least with the website and the content. It hasn’t helped also being preoccupied with everything that’s been happening in just the last two weeks alone. I am hoping to catch up on things and get back on track now that I am settled in to social-distancing at home. I thank you for your understanding and patience with this. And, thank you for all your support!
From me and my team, I hope you and your loved ones are safe and well, and are holding up all right during this crisis.
Please contact us directly at contact@mimmag.com if you need any assistance within the Las Vegas area, we are currently reaching out to some local organizations to see how we can help our community!
– Catherine Daleo
September 2019 Notices
Sept. 13th, 2019 – The site is now officially launched! At least the content portion, that is. We originally planned to release both the content portion AND our community platform, but things never work out as planned do they? We weren’t happy with the development of the platform, its capabilities, and what we intended to offer our community members, so we decided it would be best to hold off on its release, and make sure it’s more than satisfactory. So in the meantime we will be focusing on content, and restructuring our focus on community in the external aspect until we can include the focus of our own internal community here on the site.
Since the community platform, in conjunction with our site store, was how we intended to make revenue, we will instead be setting up a Patreon community where people can support what we’re doing and still receive some benefits from their contributions. With that funding we hope to invest into developing an even better community program for people and further grow our organization so we can extend our reach farther into building community solidarity.
Please bear with us as we begin this journey by starting off small instead of jumping head first into things. We hope to learn as we go along so that we can figure out how to better service our community members and our community in general!
In the meantime, please follow us on our social media pages, check out our content as it gets published, and #GetinMotion with us through activity and challenge suggestions, conversations on our social platforms, and through organization or attending events in your own communities!
Active Social Posts - Community Conversations & Challenges
Honoring Pride Month and Our LGBTQ+ Creators!
As Pride month comes to a close, we want to show our continued support and dedication to the LGBTQ+ community by putting a small spotlight on some of our amazing content creators from the community!

Virtual Earth Day!
Join us for an impromptu virtual Earth Day event that we and a couple of our partners put together for your guys to participate in while stuck at home!

3 Obscure Holidays to Celebrate in These Uncertain Times
Need something to do to try and brighten your day a little during these dark and uncertain times? Read this update post for the current community conversation and challenge we are doing, correlating with three different obscure holidays we observe today, March 20th. We hope these ideas help you feel a little bit of hope and happiness, and helps to get you through this.