Meet the Millennials in Motion

About the Team

Our team is a presently small group of people working toward a common goal of bringing people together to #GetinMotion and build their communities by combining a variety of content, starting conversations, and encouraging community action.

Land Acknowledgement

Millennials in Motion Magazine operates out of Las Vegas, NV, which is located on the ancestral land and territory of the Southern Paiute (Nuwuvi) people. 

Cat Daleo

Founder, editor-in-chief, Author

About the Magazine

Hello! My name is Catherine (she/her/hers), or Cat for short. I am a 30-year-old artist, writer, poet, activist, liberationist, dog mom, and business and journalism major. I founded this publication in 2018 because I wanted to combine my passion for writing, talking with people, sharing stories, and being active in the community. I wanted to create a platform for content by, for, or about Millennials, but I didn’t want to write alone; I wanted to write and create with others to encourage people to #GetinMotion with the things they care about.  And, I wanted to help create movements, big or small, and make connections with people, with the purpose of building solidarity and growing community. 

What began as a small blogging idea, quickly developed into a massive project and eventually an entire organization with the purpose of bringing multi-passionate people together to take action and build a better world. As more people became involved in various ways, the magazine grew and continues to grow and evolve to this day. I offer people from all walks of life and areas of interest and passion the opportunity to build on the things that they love to do, whether it’s writing, making art, talking with people, being involved in their community, or anything else.

I am building an organization where people discuss the things they’re passionate about, take action in their community, and feel that they’re a part of something bigger than themselves. As for our audience, I want to bring people together to learn new ideas and perspectives, develop solutions, build community, and fight for collective liberation to make the world a better place. And I want to create a community online that also encourages people to be actively involved in their communities offline too. 

About Me

After going back to school to acquire a journalism degree, I’ve made it a primary practice in the majority of my writing nowadays. Much of the content I now write involves featuring local businesses, organizations, artists, and issues here in Las Vegas. I am very passionate about topics related to the environment, mental health, art, people, science, history, government, politics, and community organizing. I’m also intrigued by anthropology, communications, social psychology, and behavioral science. 

I always try to encourage my audience to #GetinMotion in some way through my content. I try to be positive and passionate in my writing, yet realistic and direct. I used to see the world with more rose-tinted glasses, but after the past couple of years I’ve become a little more critical and even cynical sometimes. Still, I remain ever hopeful and include that by presenting solutions. I try to see the interconnections to things and consider the perspectives of others before rendering opinions about things. But I am human and still make mistakes and quick judgments on occasion, so I always welcome feedback on if I can do better and improve in the future. 

At the end of the day, I try to write and speak in the same way I try to live life – with a strong sense of sincerity, wonder, hope, and dedication for whatever I’m putting my energy into.  

About What I Do

Besides managing the organization, my main focus here is to write content, hold discussions, and get involved in the local community and beyond. I feel that the word ‘community’ has as broad a definition as we make it, and I want to see how far I can expand it! To do that, I try to connect and collaborate with people from all backgrounds and passions. I frequently partner with multiple local organizations for various causes like park/trail clean-ups, donation drives, and more! 

I also try to help other aspiring journalists and writers improve and explore their own crafts and interests by inviting others to write with the magazine, and by paying a commission (or planting trees) for their content. I also offer a paid internship to College of Southern NV journalism students every semester! 

And I try to be as open-minded and objective as possible in everything I do, from the content I create to the people I talk to and experiences and stories I hear, and beyond. I intend to be as transparent as possible, so if I’ve made a mistake, I do my best to own it and learn from it. I am always open to feedback. 

That said, to be upfront about my major stances: I believe we must take swift action on the climate emergency; we need to tax the rich, raise the minimum wage, and develop universal basic income; healthcare and housing are human rights; reproductive rights are human rights; trans men are men, trans women are women; LGBTQ+ rights are human rights; we all live on stolen land; our history is violent and uncomfortable, but we must learn from it; I support movements related to land back initiatives and reparations, Black Lives Matter, and Free Palestine; I am pro-union and pro-workers’ rights; and I believe we must address the hatred, violence, and threat of rising white supremacy, antisemitism, and fascism in our country. This of course does not encompass all my stances, but I hope this covers the most important ones.

In a nutshell, we need to take care of each other and our planet. I do not tolerate intolerance of any kind. I aim to honor these stances in both my writing and my actions and the magazine as a whole.

Thank You

I couldn’t do this without the support of Rey – my partner of 11 years, my family and friends, all the amazing people I work with here in the community, our sponsor Viva La Compost, our followers, our Patreon supporters, and of course, you! 

I look forward to getting in motion and making the world a better place with you! 

Our Content Creators

The rest of our team is made up of individuals we freelance with who make content for us on a semi-regular basis, whether it’s written articles, podcasts, comics, or designs for the store. Some of our team members are also interns from CSN gaining journalism experience through our ongoing internship program with the college!

Our content creators decide the topics in which they discuss and create content surrounding, they work at their own pace and on their own accord, and do so because they have something they want to say. This is their magazine, just like it’s YOUR magazine. 

We don’t assign topics, tell anyone what they can or can’t write, or tell them they HAVE to write. We believe that people make the best content when it’s done through inspiration and from their heart. Our content creators publish content here because they want to start a conversation, hone their writing/discussion skills, and connect with others. 

As such, our content is posted on an as-it’s-made basis. We don’t publish whole issues like a traditional magazine or necessarily abide by a strict submission deadline; instead, we publish content whenever it’s submitted to us. However, our main team members will maintain a more consistent flow of content, along with community members who volunteer content on their own accord.

All together, between our main team, our freelanced creators, and our volunteer community contributors, we intend to provide a fair amount of content that is genuine, diverse, and relatable. 

Want to create with us? Apply to contribute content! We offer paid commission (base rate + word rate) and alternate compensation options of tree plantings or donations made to registered charities.  

Our Internship Program

Offering an educational experience in journalism, Millennials in Motion Magazine offers journalism students from the College of Southern Nevada a paid internship opportunity for the semester. For their internship, they learn how to write for an online outlet, improve their writing skills, learn how to do search engine optimization for their content, and get to experience working in the field of journalism. Like our other content creators, they are given the freedom to write about what interests them. Take a step into their world and keep an eye out for their content here and in future endeavors! 

Vegas Contributors - Current

Vegas Contributors - Former

Massachusetts Contributors

Guest Contributors

These contributors are people who we’ve invited to write/share a piece of content about a specific topic based on their personal knowledge or experience of that topic! You can check out their special contributions by clicking the title of the article. 

What's a Millennial?

Depending on who you ask, a Millennial is generally defined as either 1981 to 1996 or 1984 to 1999. For diversity sake, and to get both ends of the age spectrum, we at M.i.M. Mag define a Millennial as someone born between 1981 and 1999. 

Of course, the Millennials on both far ends of this spectrum will be completely different examples of this generation; they’ve had completely different life experiences. 

Check out our slightly more in-depth break down by clicking the button below!