MiM Mag Correspondents
We’re all in this together!
We all have something to offer to each other to help each of us grow and get through change in life, no matter what stage of life we are in or how crazy the world gets.
Our name and target audience might be centered on Millennials, but that in no way means we want to exclude other people of different generations!
While the main content on our site is written strictly by Millennials, we acknowledge the importance of working with people of all ages! And in our mission to combine content, conversation, and community, we wanted to create a more formal and concrete way to bridge the gaps across multiple generations!
By combining our respective experience, skills, talents, and perspectives we can help each other grow, and shape our future better – together!
So, as they become available, please check out our correspondents and the things they would like to share with you!
Our Vision
To bring people across all generations to share knowledge and ideas to better relate to and connect with each other, and to grow their communities and make the world around them a better place by helping each other respectfully.
There is much contention between generations, especially between the Boomers and younger generations. And while there is much resistance to brushing the other off, the younger and older generations BOTH have something to offer.
How It's Set Up
However the correspondent would like to set up their “corner” is how it will be. This feature is new, and we’re still learning how to best present it to you, so for now, we’re giving freedom to our correspondents to decide how best to present the things they want to share with or teach to others!
They might be written observations they want to express, a “skill-share” activity or series they want to work on, and anything else they can think of! It may a single piece shared to you, or an ongoing activity they do frequently!
Who Our Correspondents Are
At the moment, the people we have that are interested in corresponding with us and our community here, are people we know personally (parents, family, friends, and colleagues), that have expressed an interest in sharing something through our platform.
If you are someone who falls outside out parameters for general content creation (being born between 1981-1999), or know someone outside that range, and want to share content or manage an activity, we would love to have you aboard! (See below)

Gen Z/Zillennials
Any features or corresponding content made by the generation under us (born 2000 & up) can be found here!
We currently have no correspondents in this section, see below to inquire about becoming one!

Gen X
Any features or corresponding content made by the generation before us (1965-1980) can be found here!
We currently have no correspondents in this section, see below to inquire about becoming one!
Any features or corresponding content made by our parent’s generation (1946-1964) can be found here!
We currently have one correspondent in this section!
Want to become a correspondent?
Do you want to help us bridge the gaps between generations and work towards building our community, our country, and our world to make it a better place?
If you are born outside the 1981-1999 Millennials designation for content, this is your own personal spot on the site to share your knowledge, skills, experience, and perspectives with people of all ages!
Contact us at millennialsinmotionmag@gmail.com to learn more and discuss what you'd like to share or work on and how you'd like to present it!