Unification through Communication
Here's where people can come together to discuss issues & ideas with the intent to form solutions & organize action in order to move their communities forward.
“I am totally down with disagreement. I don’t like Haterade, but disagreement is wonderful. When someone disagrees, we try to reach common ground. That’s good.”
– Roxane Gay
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The way our society communicates and interacts has changed drastically over the years, especially through the growth of technology, and with it, social media. And with the changes in the way we communicate, we’ve come to respond primarily with our emotions, rather than our intellect. We do not listen to what others have to say before we form a response. We may hear them, but we do not listen anymore. Or, if our cognitive dissonance gets the better of us, we might not even hear or listen to reason and evidence. Some people, as you see on comment section after comment section, usually start throwing off bad names and other unnecessary verbal attacks on the person, rather than rationally debating the idea itself.
It’s okay to disagree, it’s okay to debate. It’s just not okay to hate.
Conversation Goals
Through mutually accepted guidelines of interaction, we hope to accomplish the following:
respectful Debate
We hope to promote the sharing of different perspectives and information in a respectful and inquisitive environment, in order to help people more comfortably consider new, even conflicting information, in order for them to make more informed decisions about their own views.
Ignorance is not bliss and we shouldn’t encourage it for the sake of comfort. If new information is presented that is credible, it’s important to let go of things that are not factual.
common ground on issues
Whether one agrees with someone else’s views, or choose to hold onto their own, we hope to foster a level of mutual respect between people having these interactions, while seeking things that connect rather than divide.
You can see the other’s side without conflicting your own beliefs or changing your mind, and still have respect for them without outright agreeing with them. There is a mutual responsibility for people to seek the truth while being honest in that quest.
excitement to Take Action
Tying into the next aspect of our mission, we hope for proactive conversation around issues and commonalities between people. From there, our intent is to promote the collaboration of people in addressing issues in their own communities.
Focusing on similarities and how to form solutions helps our chances of solving the problems we face in society. By coming together and being excited to be involved in something bigger that ourselves, we can solve anything.
We're Still Developing Some Aspects of the Site!
There’s a lot we have planned for this part of our organization’s mission! Many of the features for this page will be for our future community members who subscribe to the platform we’re currently developing! For now, start and join conversations on our various social media pages and posts, and by checking out our correspondents section!

Correspondents - Available Now!
This is where people of other generations can have a more direct voice in our organization and intermediate between the generational gaps!
We're still working out how to present this feature, so check back soon!

Forums - Coming soon!
Future community members will be able to come here to start and have conversation with others and begin forming solutions and organizing actions to address issues in their communities!

Rant Page - Coming Soon!
What really grinds your gears? Have something to get off your chest? Come here to voice opinions in a less 'professional' manner to blow off steam! (Must still adhere to community guidelines!)