Community Involvement
To encourage others to be active in their own communities, our organization is committed to being active in ours!
We currently do various actions with other organizations local to us! Here is where we share some of the things we’ve done to help make our community and the world a better place!
We currently try to accomplish at least one of the following on a monthly basis:
Volunteer & Charity Work
Fundraisers & Drives
Community Outreach & Awareness
Our Gallery
For the Environment
We care a lot about our environment, so we have a big focus on finding ways to care for it and protect it for future generations!

Trail Clean Ups
So far, we have done 4 trail clean ups, working with the amazing people up at Mount Charleston!

First trail clean up! – Aug. 25, 2018
Our First Two Events!

National Public Lands Day Clean Up! – Sept. 29, 2018
August & September 2018

Helping out at Mt. Charleston during the government shutdown – Jan. 20th, 2019
Government Shutdown Cleanup!
January 2019

Expected more, but found a lot nonetheless!

Helping out at Mt. Charleston for their annual Spring Cleaning Event – June 15th 2019!
Mt. Charleston Spring Cleaning Event!
June 2019

Had a great time with great people!

Helping out at Mt. Charleston for NPLD!
Stayed behind to sort the recycling and filled an entire bag of cans and bottles!
National Public Lands Day 2019!
Sept. 28th, 2019

Brought our own buckets to cut down on the plastic usage of the trash bag!
We put our trash into someone else’s bag so theirs was fuller!
Impromptu Mini-Cleanup at Mt. Charleston
Jan. 9th, 2020

We heard there was a bunch of trash on the mountain from tourists visiting over the holidays, so we came up to help clear some of it out!
Our group was small, but our impact was mighty! We pulled 4 bags of trash, 1 bag of recycling, and a bunch of broken sleds!
Community Clean Ups
We’ve done 3 community clean ups so far! One in Downtown Las Vegas, one at Kianga Isoke Palacio Park for Earth Day 2019, and one in Pine Valley, CA!

We collected several buckets of trash (mostly fireworks) from Shadow Rock Park!
The County stopped by to gave us bags to help gather up all the fireworks across from the park! (We got 4!)

Impromptu Mini-Cleanup After the 4th of July!
July 2020

Brittany picking up trash from the festivities over the weekend! (7/6/20)

We cut back on plastic by using buckets and garden gloves!
We threw the buckets of trash from the parking lot directly into the dumpsters! (Total of 8!)

Our amazing Trash Dash team plus the wonderful people from the City!

Dream Clean Event with City of LV and the First Friday Foundation!
February 2020

Recycling we collected to make art with for an activation at the March First Friday! Feb. 8, 2020

One of the groups we worked with around Downtown!

Making our city a little more beautiful!
Happy Earth Day!
April 2019

Having fun in the sun!

When the sign reminds people to not litter their cigarettes but there is still butts everywhere.
Pine Valley, CA Watershed Cleanup Event with ILACSD!
August 2019

That’s a lot of ass! – Aug. 03, 2019!

All the recycling!
Beach Clean Ups
So far, we have done 1 beach clean up, working with the amazing people of I Love a Clean San Diego!

Helping keep San Diego beaches beautiful after the 4th of July celebrations! – July 5th, 2019!
Mission Beach Morning After Mess Event with ILACSD!
July 2019

Lots to find in the rocks!
For the Schools and the Kids
Children are the future, and the quality of their education can determine the quality of their future. We like to make sure to help out our local schools, teachers, and students to ensure they get the best education possible!

Back to School Fundraiser!
August 2018

Donation Drives
So far, we have done 3 donation drives for the schools!
Donations brought to a Project 150 for distribution!

Back to School Fundraiser!
July/August 2019

Children's Picture Book Day - Book Drive!
March 2019

Children’s Picture Book Day – March 28th
Books donated to the Clark County School District for distribution!

For People in General
Kids, teens, adults; people of all ages need help sometimes! We try to do what we can to give a hand-UP, not a hand-OUT. As such, we’re always looking for new ways to get involved with reaching out to the people in our community, especially those who’ve fallen under hard times.

Volunteer Events
So far, we have done 1 volunteer event helping out people in the community!
November 2018

Project 150 Thanksgiving Meal Packing Event! – Nov. 14, 2018

Working down the assembly line with these amazing people!

Helped fill up all these boxes with food!
Donation Drives
So far, we have participated 2 donation drives for people in the Las Vegas community!

98.5 KLUC Chet Buchanon Toy Drive! – Dec. 2018
Toy Drive!
December 2018

Our collection of toy donations!

The Sea of Bikes!
It’s beautiful to see what our community can accomplish when we come together to help others!

What we collected in the first 15 days!
National Canned Food Month Food Drive!
Partnered with the Nevada Partnership for Homeless Youth and Project 150!
February 2019

End of the month – total amount of cans collected!

All the donations we collected!
World Homeless Day Donation Drive!
This year for World Homeless Day, we partnered with the Nevada Partnership for Homeless Youth to collect all kinds of donations from clothes and food to backpacks and bags to help out the homeless youth that NPHY works to help!
October 2019

NPHY – Working to end youth homelessness in Nevada!
For Animals
Sometimes the ones who need help the most are the ones who can’t ask for help. So we try to do our part by being a voice for them and help in any way we can! Check out the ways in which we have helped out the animals in our community!

Donation Drives
So far we have done 1 donation drive to help out the animals at our local animal shelter!

All the donations we collected for the pets waiting for their fur-ever homes!
National Pet Day Donation Drive!
Partnered with The Animal Foundation!
April 2019

Thank you to everyone who helped us make the lives of these animals a little better!
For Awareness
Oftentimes the best way to make the world a better place is by making people more aware of the issues that are affecting it. We try to do our part by bringing attention to these issues by raising awareness through outreach and education. Here are some of the ways in which we’ve tried to do accomplish this in our community!

Environmental Awareness Campaigns/Events
So far we have done one awareness campaign event to help raise awareness about various issues in our community!

Had a great time down at the UNLV Community Garden and Recycling Facility learning about how things are composted!

May 29th 2019
Compost Awareness Month + Learn About Compost Day!
Partnered with Viva La Compost!

Picture of the machine used to break down the biodegradable waste that will get turned into nutrient-rich soil!
Activations & Vending Events
We’ve been blessed to have been invited to vend at a couple different events so far, and were given the opportunity to do activations to engage the community and talk with people about what we do and how they can #GetinMotion with us!

Pitch-a-Pumpkin Event!
Met a lot of amazing people and watched a bunch of pumpkins get launched by a trebuchet!
Had a blast being out in the community at these events, meeting people, and sharing information about what we do!
November 3rd and 9th, 2019

Subie Invasion 2019!
Cat with the winner of our raffle prize of having 10 tree planted with our partner One Tree Planted!
So far we have done 4 activations at the First Friday Festival! We’ll post only the most important ones we’ve done!

At the Event!
Following the Trash Dash event back in February, Cat and Emily worked on some art pieces made from recycled material taken from the clean up and collected elsewhere. These art pieces were displayed at the March festival!

“Bottle”-Nose Dolphin!
Made from water bottles wrapped in plastic bags and hung up with fishing line.
First Friday!
Brain Art Activation!
March 2020
All of these pieces are intended to raise awareness to the plastic crisis!

“Great Pacific Garbage Patch”

Emily with Her Masterpiece!
Emily worked on the main piece – a mermaid atop a sea turtle!

Side view of the dolphin!

Cat at the Event!
We had the honor of being invited as a guest of the First Friday Foundation to vend for our magazine and do a zero-waste holiday workshop! And, Cat got to also vend for her art – Smiling Cat Artwork!

Our zero-waste snowman!
Made out of recycled bags, bottle caps, and other miscellaneous material!
First Friday!
Zero-Waste Holiday Workshop!
December 6th, 2019

Fun for the whole family!

Our vending table where we got to sell some of our new stickers and buttons!
And, we did another tree planting raffle through OTP! (Congrats to Mama Wild Soul for being the winner!)

Our Workshop!
We got to do a workshop where we painted recycled bottles with kids to make holiday decorations, we gave out zero-waste holiday tinsel, and we had resource flyers for people to take pictures of!

Emily with her amazing Baby Yoda made out of recycled materials!
Baby Yoda is now our official unofficial mascot!