Help Common Cause save the USPS by signing the petition/letter to Congress!
Text from petition page:
To: U.S. Congress
From: [Your Name]
The USPS is a lifeline for many Americans — and especially during the COVID-19 crisis, millions will rely on the Postal Service for everything from mail-in ballots to life-saving medications. That’s why Congress must pass ample funding to preserve the USPS.
The United States Postal Service provides absolutely crucial services for Americans nationwide. But right now, it’s in danger — and President Trump is willing to let it go bankrupt.
The Postal Service is being hit hard by the COVID-19 crisis. Businesses have drastically cut back on how much mail they’re sending — and experts say that without support from the government, the agency could soon run out of money.
Losing the USPS — especially during a public health crisis — would be devastating to millions of Americans. Many rely on it to keep in touch with loved ones… to stay up-to-date on the latest news… and to receive their medications without the risk or inconvenience of going to the pharmacy.
And this year, the USPS couldn’t be more crucial to the survival of our democracy. Many will return their 2020 Census forms by mail, to make sure we get an accurate count of everyone living in the U.S. — and vote-by-mail programs will be an important way for voters to safely make themselves heard in the 2020 elections.
But Trump remains dead set against saving the USPS. When Congress tried to add a $13 billion direct grant for the Postal Service to its stimulus package, a Trump administration official stated: “We told them very clearly that the president was not going to sign the bill if [money for the Postal Service] was in it.”Our representatives can’t let Trump’s attacks on the Postal Service — which may be linked to his baseless opposition to vote-by-mail — wipe out this vital agency. Add your name to tell Congress: pass funding to save the USPS.