Read more about the article TIABI Coffee and Waffle Partners with The Burn Foundation for Annual Waffle Eating Contest
TIABI and The Burn Foundation pairing up for the Waffle For a Cause event!

TIABI Coffee and Waffle Partners with The Burn Foundation for Annual Waffle Eating Contest

Partnering with The Burn Foundation, TIABI is holding their Waffle For a Cause event, an annual waffle eating contest!

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Read more about the article The Hypocrisy of “Companies That Care”
Meme of a graphic Disney shared for Pride Month of Mickey's hands making a heart over a rainbow in support of LGBTQIA+ pride with a caption that says "Disney during Pride Month" above a separate image of two people exchanging money under a table with a caption that says "Disney giving $$$ to Florida legislators who sponsored the 'Don't Say Gay Bill.'

The Hypocrisy of “Companies That Care”

More people are beginning to realize the hypocrisy of companies that care (so they claim). Read more about this hypocrisy and why companies don't actually care.

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