Apply to Create Content With Us
We are currently accepting applications from Millennials (people born between 1981-1999) who have an interest in creating content with us and in starting conversations about issues they’re passionate or concerned about. We want our audience to be a part of the conversation or start new ones by being involved with the magazine.
We want this to be YOUR magazine. Where what interests you is what is being talked about, no matter what it is.
This ability comes with two separate compensation options for those who are interested. It’s up to you which way you wish to be compensated for your submissions!
1. Apply to be a contracted freelanced content creator – Earn a base rate PLUS $0.005 per word, per published article! Base rate depends on length of piece. You may create content whenever you like!
This is NOT a position of employment. You are allowed to create content for anyone else/any other entity, so long as anything published on this site is not posted elsewhere (besides your own sites/pages), without written permission from M.i.M. Mag.
2. Apply to be a volunteer content creator – In place of a paid commission per published piece, volunteer content creators will instead have the option of either having one tree planted for every 250 words (planting done through our partner, One Tree Planted), OR they can chose to have us donate $1 to a charity of their choice per 250 words in a published piece.
Regardless of the choice you select, all applicants will be sent our freelancing agreement to review. With the exception of the commission structures and a few other terms of the agreement, most of the terms apply to both contractors and volunteer creators. Those differences are outlined in the document.
If you’re interested in creating with us, please email us at millennialsinmotionmag@gmail.com with your responses to the questions below in order to apply to join our content creation team! We’ll review your application and go from there.
Application Questions
Please answer the questions below to apply and email your responses to millennialsinmotionmag@gmail.com OR send us a message on any of our main social media platforms!
These questions are supposed to help us get an idea of how diverse our creator pool is and so we have an idea of who we can reach out to for additional collaboration opportunities as we address more issues in the world and start more conversations about various topics.
Because we’re not able to review laws in other countries regarding freelance work at this time, we are only accepting applicants from America.
Good luck! We look forward to starting conversations with you!
- Full Name:
- Birth year:
- Gender:
- City/State:
- Interests/Passions:
- What content types are you interested in focusing on? (You can select multiple – written, audio, video, comic, or other):
- What topics are you interested in writing about? (can be anything, even if not listed currently as a topic on the various content pages):
- Please give potential sample content titles for what you have in mind to make content on:
- What compensation plan would you prefer? (Paid, trees, or donations?)
- How often would you like to submit content or otherwise plan to?
- Will you adhere to the Community Guidelines, Privacy Policy, and Terms of Service that apply to the content you would like to create with us?
- Do you run, work for, collaborate with, or volunteer for any businesses, organizations, or people that you would be interested in getting interviews with or collaborations from to produce content? (This is one of our best ways to develop community through content, so if this applies to you, we would like to discuss this particular kind of content opportunity with you in more detail. If this doesn’t apply to you or you are not otherwise interested in conducting this kind of content, please disregard this question.)
- Do you have any questions for us?
- Please provide any other information you believe is relevant. You are also invited to submit any examples of your work you have that happens to already be made that you wish to share with us along with your application for review. There is a potential of this helping your application, but it is not a requirement and not providing a sample will not disqualify you. It does however give us an idea of what you would like to write about or create content on, how your style and tone is, and so on. We will not publish anything sent to us until you have reviewed and chosen to agree to the freelancing agreement. If we chose not to accept your application or move forward with the agreement we will not publish any sample content you may have included.
We look forward to creating content with you! various
* Publishable content refers to content that has been received, reviewed, edited/revised if needed, upholds any applicable community guidelines or terms of service, and is otherwise accepted to be published. Any commission or compensation to be awarded is issued within a set period of time from being published. We reserve the right to reject content for any reason without compensation. Content that violates any terms of the freelance agreement, community guidelines, terms of service, or our privacy policy in any way will NOT be accepted.
* We reserve the right to reject any application for any reason and at any time during application review. We will review each application to see if the information provided qualifies the applicant to receive the agreement to review, and go from there. If an application is rejected, we will try to provide a reason, but we reserve the right to do so without an explanation.
* We reserve the right to stop accepting applications for any reason and at our own discretion in order to fulfill the needs of the organization.