“No one is the same, and we all have different life experiences. It’s not my place to judge them or for them to judge me. We should all be accountable for our own lives.”
Anecdotes and Experiences
Pieces people have shared about their experiences with others to inform, entertain, connect & relate.
Want to write about this topic? Apply to be a contracted or volunteer content creator!

What Do We Do Now? Commentary On the Election and the Path Ahead
An editorial on what I’ve felt and observed after the election, and what the next steps are in terms of resisting what’s coming.

‘My Mom Has Breast Cancer’
‘My mom has breast cancer.’ Writing those words pulls me back to the moment I thought them back in May. It’s hard to believe it’s already been almost six months.

UNLV Students Protest University’s Response to Shooting
After the tragic shooting on Dec. 6, UNLV implemented heightened security measures for the new semester. Some students feel the response is lacking.

Military Members During the Holidays
During the holidays friends and family come together to celebrate. Sadly, many military members tend to miss out on this during the holidays.

Opting Out of Christmas 2.0 – No Christmas As Usual
Tomorrow is Christmas. But, the joy of the holiday season I once felt isn’t there anymore, for several reasons. So I’m opting out of it, again.

No Boots, No Bootstraps, No Christmas
People like to say, “Pull yourself up by your bootstraps,” but no one has any boots! This year, we can barely afford food, let alone Christmas for the kids.

Las Vegas Book Festival Creates Literary Magic for 22nd Year
The Las Vegas Book Festival just hosted its 22nd annual literature festival at the Historic 5th St School in downtown! Read more in Naomi’s article!

Celebrating Filipino-American History Month
Filipino-American History Month isn’t the first event that comes to mind when thinking of October. I didn’t even know about FAHM, and I’m half Filipino!

My Experience With Suicide Ideation and Suicide Prevention
In honor of Suicide Prevention Month, Amber shares her experience with suicidal ideation and loss due to suicide, and how to help prevent it.

Be Late for Something Day
Created by the Procrastinators Club of America in 1956, we observe ‘National Be Late to Something Day’ on Sept. 5th. This is how I’m celebrating!

Stop For Children! How Impatience Creates Dangerous Situations
With the uptick in random gun violence this year, it can be dangerous just to cross the street when people don’t want to stop for children.

My Experience Being a Caregiver For My Mom
Today is National Caregivers Day, and being a caregiver to my mom, I’ve been wanting to write about my experience with that for a while now.

Chelsea Banning – Of Book Signings and Tweets
After tweeting about the experience at her book signing for her debut novel, Chelsea Banning went viral overnight as other authors shared their own book signing experiences.

Las Vegas Mother Encourages Hiking and Nature Activities for Family’s Well-Being
An interest in nature compelled Las Vegas resident Samira Tamules to value hiking and camping with her children as a time to bond.

All My Children Are the Same Gender, And That’s Okay
People kept saying “sorry” to Sarah when they heard all her kids are the same gender. She’s here to share her experience and tell people to stop.

ADHD Awareness: My Personal Journey
Two years ago, I began my journey of understanding my ADHD. A lot has happened since then as I’ve taken the next steps in addressing how it impacts my life.

‘Learning America’ – What I Read for Book Lovers Day
To celebrate Book Lovers Day, I wanted to share a book that I recently read – ‘Learning America’ by Luma Mufleh

Dolly Anna: A Trip Over the Rainbow Bridge and Down a Guiding Path
Recently, I said goodbye to Dolly Anna–my dog and best friend of over 11 years. This is her story and my journey with that grief and healing.

Taylor Swift Receives Doctorate and Offers Advice to Fresh Graduates
Taylor Swift just received an honorary doctorate degree at NYU. Read more about her commencement speech to other graduates!

The Struggle and Celebration of Motherhood
To celebrate mothers, Kiara interviewed Teresa Edwards-Burch about her experience raising her kids as a single mother. Click to read more!

Endometriosis Awareness Month
For Endometriosis Month, Kiara interviewed her mother to help raise awareness about this conditions that impacts so many people’s lives.

Creating My Own Holiday: Family Reunion Day
For Make Your Own Holiday Day, Christy explored the concept of creating Family Reunion Day. Read about how this day is set up and more!

Black History Month: A Piece Of Power
In honor of Black History Month, Kiara wrote about the holiday’s history, as well as perspectives from her grandma and local Black-owned business, Paws Off The Table!

Day of Unplugging – Back to the Basics
In honor of National Day of Unplugging, Christy unplugged for a whole day and recorded her experience. Read more to find out what she learned!

“Thank You For Your Patience” – Gratitude and Gentleness
One of the things I’ve learned during the pandemic is to not say sorry for everything. Instead, I now say, “thank you for your patience.”

Kadoatie Feeding: Lessons from the Kadoatery
I recently made a big accomplishment! I finally got the Kadoatie Avatar on Neopets! And it only took me about six months to do it.

Telecommuting During the Pandemic
As more places open back up, questions surrounding how to return to work and opinions of whether or not to continue telecommuting vary widely.

College Student Grief in the Time of COVID
Dealing with grief is hard enough on its own, but college students experiencing grief have an added layer of difficulty to manage, especially after the last year.

Growing Pains
The older we get, the more we realize that time is precious. Once we realize this, the growing pains begin as we start to fear time moving too fast.

Disgust: A New Appreciation of the Emotion
As I’ve gotten older, taking inspiration from ‘Inside Out’, I’ve come to terms with the importance of disgust as a guiding emotion.

The Balance Between Loving Yourself & Loving Others
Calliana continues her journey on understanding love & overcoming her fear of it, while finding the balance between loving oneself & others.

What Am I Afraid Of?
Calli Sharrow discusses what she’s most afraid of – love and the loss of love – as well as overcoming that fear, and any fear we may have.

Pushing Past the Pain Pt. 2
Amber returns with the second part of her ‘Pushing Past the Pain’ series, where she continues to discuss her experience healing from past trauma and focusing on compartmentalizing things to do so. (Content warning)

“Sink or Swim”
I’ve come to feel that it’s not a mountain we are currently climbing, but rather a river in which we are all caught up in, with twists and turns, rocks and waterfalls. And that we shouldn’t be saying “sink or swim”, but rather working on floating rather than fighting the current, and also not letting others around us drown.

Cutting Off the Crust
The pandemic uprooted the lives of many. Read more about how Amadeus came to terms with moving back in with his parents. Read more to learn how he’s come to terms with it, and what his own personal silver lining is!
Honoring Pride Month and Our LGBTQ+ Creators!
As Pride month comes to a close, we want to show our continued support and dedication to the LGBTQ+ community by putting a small spotlight on some of our amazing content creators from the community!

Pushing Past the Pain – Part 1
Domestic violence is a hard topic to discuss, but it needs to be talked about for us to take action and make progress on this issue.
Amber Giroux bravely shares her experience as a domestic violence survivor, hoping to help others who need to be seen and heard in their own situations of abuse.
This is part one of Amber’s series on her experience.

The Wonderful World of Whales
Guest writer, Lauren Lomprey (the Doodling Nomad), writes about her experience with whale watching while in Alaska, symbolically adopting a whale, and shares some of the knowledge she’s gained about whales, just in time for National Whale Day!

Discovering My Self-Worth
“As I grow and change, I realize that being different can be empowering. Read more to learn about my journey on the road to self-acceptance.”

The Power of Music and Twenty One Pilots
Read how music and a specific band helped this author through a difficult time in her life.