The Wild West Access Fund
With constitutionally-protected abortion stripped from us by the Supreme Court, Wild West Access Fund continues the fight for reproductive rights. Founded in 2021, the fund just passed its one-year-anniversary facing a post-Roe America.

Founders Carla Ramazan and Maureen Scott created Wild West Access Fund (WWAF) after making their first pledge to a person needing abortion care on June 20, 2021. They created the fund with a mission to provide a permanent financial resource for Nevadans in need of abortion care.
Lauren Beal, a WWAF Board Member, shared more about the inspiration for the organization and the work they conduct.
“Nevada was one of only five states in the United States that didn’t have a visible abortion fund,” she said. “Our co-founders started Wild West Access Fund of Nevada because they believed everyone should have the final say in their own reproductive decisions and that power resides in our communities.”
Since beginning its work last summer, WWAF has provided financial support to at least 230 people needing abortion care.
How Wild West Access Fund Works
According to Beal, Wild West Access Fund provides direct financial assistance to people needing abortion care to help pay for their procedure and travel expenses.
“Our organization’s biggest goal is to realize reproductive justice for all. We want people to have full control of their reproductive future,” she explained. “In addition to covering as much of each caller’s procedure as possible, we provide practical support, such as organizing transportation and post-procedure care kits.”
The WWAF also works with a safe network of organizations helping people overcome barriers to abortion, both financially and judicially. To provide its work and resources to people, the fund enacts several safety measures to protect all individuals involved.
“Safety for callers, volunteers, and board members is of the utmost importance to our team,” Beal said. “We take a holistic approach to safety from only collecting the data we absolutely need in order to track our financial responsibilities to carefully vetting volunteers before putting them in direct contact with our callers.”
Challenges and Misconceptions Wild West Access Fund Faces
Although we live in a state protecting abortion access, Beal explained there are still legislative frameworks adding unnecessary barriers.
“Clearly, [the] Dobbs decision leaves people across the country at the mercy of legislation enacted by people who are no longer living. But there are also smaller legislative barriers that are considerable challenges we face in ensuring everyone has access to the care they want,” she said. “For example, Nevadans pay more for the same abortion pills than Marylanders or Californians in part because Medicaid doesn’t cover abortion unless an individual can prove that the pregnancy resulted from rape or incest or is a danger to the life of the mother.”
Another challenge WWAF faces are misconceptions about how their fund works.
“We don’t just hand someone a crisp dollar bill and say good luck out there,” Beal said. “We didn’t just make up our processes out of thin air. I’ve worked with abortion funds for over five years, and our leadership team has had extensive conversations with funds across the country to devise a system that works best for Nevadans.”
She also added, “there are a lot of misconceptions about when and why people get abortions. But ultimately, everybody should have the right to make the best decisions for their bodies.”
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Navigating a Post-Roe America

With Roe overturned, leaving abortion up to the states, people’s level of abortion care depends on where they live. Even here in Nevada, WWAF still stands to see impacts from the ruling.
“We expect to see a greater number of people traveling from states restricting access to abortion,” Beal said. “Abortion remains legal in Nevada, and Governor Sisolak, through executive order, further strengthened protections for reproductive freedom in Nevada.”
Regarding the increase in people crossing state lines for abortions, WWAF shared a post reminding everyone that pre-Roe America wasn’t the massive police and surveillance state it is today, urging people not to be reckless.
Many organizations like WWAF have asked people not to share posts offering “camping in camping-friendly states.” These posts flood timelines, bury information about established organizations, and hinder people needing urgent help from finding safe resources.
“A lot of people are talking about setting up their own networks to provide houses and funds to people needing abortion care,” Beal said. “While these ideas are well-meaning, they ignore that these resources already exist and are fully operational.”
Moreover, it’s dangerous to strike out on your own by offering help to or accepting help from random strangers online. You don’t know who you’re talking to. Don’t offer to drive to pick someone up to “camp” or agree to have a stranger pick you up. Stick to the organizations who’ve done this work for years, if not decades, to get help. And, help them by donating, volunteering, and sharing their posts and other resources.
“This work doesn’t change today – it only becomes more essential. We’re ready. But we can’t do this without you,” Beal said.
#GetinMotion With Wild West Access Fund
Beal shared that one thing she’s learned after working with abortion funds for five years is that “our communities have the power to protect and help each other even when our government fails us. [My favorite part] is the sense of care and love you can express for a complete stranger as you help them navigate finding care.”
To learn more about WWAF, please visit their website and follow them on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

The most impactful way to aid Wild West Access Fund is by donating to the fund itself. If the fund runs out of money, they are, unfortunately, unable to provide aid to those needing abortion care.
“My least favorite part is when I run out of money in a week, and I get another caller, and I have to emotionally prepare myself to tell them I cannot help them,” Beal said. “Aside from donating, we need people to get involved in this conversation. Can’t afford to donate? Learn about all the amazing resources already available in our communities, and then tell everyone you know about them.”
WWAF was also fundraising by selling their “Fuck the Supreme Court – We’re Having Abortions” shirt for a $25 donation. This campaign has ended, but they will have more shirts for sale soon, so keep an eye out!
Gift cards for things like gas and lodging can also be donated through their Give In-Kind page!
Build Community at Home
Moreover, she explained that people can take another impactful action: “build community within your own community to de-stigmatize abortion.”
“Listen to the folks who’ve been leading this work here in Nevada and across the country and do the things they’re asking you to do to support them,” she said. “Meet up with a bunch of friends and loudly proclaim to one another how much you love someone who has had an abortion. Talk, share, build community, build power.”
Those wanting to attend an upcoming local event virtually or in person can join WWAF for their ‘OPERATION SAVE ABORTION: A Full Day Of Training On Abortion Activism.’
The Vegas in-person live stream will be on Sunday, July 17th at 8 AM PT/11 AM ET at the ACLU Office on 601 South Rancho Blvd., Suite B11, 89106. The Reno location in-person is TBD. Follow WWAF for more updates and information!
Also in Reno, join Wild West Fund for their Monthly Repro Happy Hour at the Emerson Reno on July 12th from 5 to 7 PM.
While generally a great way to help, WWAF is at capacity for new volunteers at the moment and cannot respond to emails promptly.
“We are so deeply moved by the passion and love we are seeing in our community,” Beal said. “Please join us in the community at the many events we post on social media.”
Get Involved With Other Organizations
Lastly, Beal shared that there are other organizations to follow and support for additional information, resources, and opportunity to get involved.
Please follow and support the following organizations: Planned Parenthood Votes Nevada, Apiary Practical Support, National Network of Abortion Funds, NARAL Nevada, and The Nevada National Organization For Women.