ICE Raids and Fear – Impacts on the Undocumented Community
As the Trump Administration ramps up anti-immigration efforts, protecting immigrants and undocumented people has become a focal point of community organizing efforts.
As the Trump Administration ramps up anti-immigration efforts, protecting immigrants and undocumented people has become a focal point of community organizing efforts.
An editorial on what I've felt and observed after the election, and what the next steps are in terms of resisting what's coming.
Book bans are never a sign of a healthy society. So Florida Governor Ron DeSantis limiting students' access to certain books is concerning.
More people are beginning to realize the hypocrisy of companies that care (so they claim). Read more about this hypocrisy and why companies don't actually care.
Uplifting the Las Vegas community in many ways, LVDSA advocates and organizes a nationwide, worldwide working-class movement that puts people and the planet over profit.
Battle Born Progress continues the fight for Nevadans’ rights, encouraging active participation in local and state politics on progressive issues.
Thanks to light pollution, most people lack access to the visible night sky. That's why SB 52 works to protect dark skies here in Nevada.
With the 81st legislative session of the state in full-swing, the Nevada Coalition Against the Death Penalty (NVCADP), along with its partners, recently sent a letter to urge legislators to end the death penalty in the state.
What happened last week, and the more we learn about it, is appalling. Some people who had ties to this attack are calling for 'unity'. But without accountability and consequences for the treasonous acts we saw and the threats we are seeing, there can be no unity. Especially when we're being asked to have unity with white-supremacists and neo-Nazis. I refuse to agree to such a thing.
We have been granted a reprieve, but don't take it for granted. Use this time to rest and breathe as needed - you deserve it after the last four years. But be ready to get in motion and work hard to ensure the incoming administration works for us - the people - and not themselves. The election is over, but the work has only just begun!