Israel’s Genocide in Gaza – 10 Months of Hell and Inhumanity, Part 2: Devastation and War Crimes

In part two of this series covering the past 10 months of genocide in Gaza, I discuss the devastation and war crimes Israel has committed.

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Decay: A Poem About Collapse and Reformation

There's so much decay in the world as different systems collapse. But as dark as it gets, there's always hope that we can pick ourselves back up and reform these systems.

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When Does it End? My Thoughts on the Senseless Violence That Our Community is Once Again Grieving Over

Another day, another shooting, and another act of senseless violence here in our community. These are my thoughts on today's shooting at UNLV.

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My First COVID Loss

On January 9th, my grandma lost her battle to COVID, marking my first loss to the virus. Writing about the experience and my thoughts about everything helps me cope. If you've also lost a loved one recently, I hope it helps you in some way.

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