Interconnections Between the LA Fires, Capitalism, Colonization, and the Climate Crisis

Barely a week into 2025, and the chickens have loudly come home to roost. The interconnections between everything happening are all but screaming in our faces right now.

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Read more about the article Clark County Celebrates Desert Tortoise Week
Desert tortoise More: NPS / Hannah Schwalbe

If you look closely at the shell you'll see some abnormalities. This tortoise has a transmitter glued to his shell and is part of a long-term research project for Joshua Tree National Park. Because of his transmitter, park biologists can find him every year and assess his health. Original public domain image from Flickr

Clark County Celebrates Desert Tortoise Week

It's Desert Tortoise Week! Read about how to honor this important keystone species for wildlife conservation and start exploring the Mojave Desert.

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Climate Crisis Songs, Pt. 3: ‘That Funny Feeling’

In part three of my climate crisis song series, we'll dissect the song, 'That Funny Feeling' by Bo Burnham, and the related themes of rising sea levels, existentialism, & desensitization.

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