Recording Joy: Preserving Life’s Happiest Moments

You often hear, ‘A picture is worth a thousand words,’ but what about capturing your loved ones’ voices? That’s just what Recording Joy offers for people’s special events.
Recording Joy is an audio guestbook and camera rental company founded by husband-and-wife duo Dominique & Rochelle Mae Quiban. The Quibans founded Recording Joy this past summer. They have yet to launch the business officially but plan to sometime early next year.
The duo expressed how excited they were to launch this business and shared how it came to fruition.
“Recording Joy came to be months after becoming a first-time mom,” Rochelle Mae said. “Dominique and I saw how quickly time flew as parents, and the idea came to be while planning for our daughter’s first birthday – something to keep guests engaged and leave the honorees with unique and memorable keepsakes.”
Dominique explained how they’re still in the testing phase and encouraged some Little Flower Moments (Rochelle Mae’s other company specializing in decor and event rental) customers to try the service. They are currently set to launch in early 2024.
Dominique also shared how he wished this service existed when he and Rochelle Mae married in 2021. Now, he’s working ahead of time to start this service for their daughter’s future wedding.
“We wanted a way for guests to be able to share their love and joy in other creative ways. The business came to be as we planned for our daughter’s first birthday because we wanted her future self to hear the voices of loved ones and capture pictures as if it brought her right back to that day,” Dominique said. “Not only would you hear the heartfelt messages, but it could also pick up on the music and laughter of the event as it happened during that time.”
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Business Partners and Life Partners
Many factors come into play when choosing who you start your business with. Communication, accountability, and trust are just a few to name. Luckily for Dominique and Rochelle Mae, they have all these traits and more, making opening up a business together a no-brainer.
Dominique couldn’t imagine a better business partner than Rochelle Mae. He claims that his love and passion for opening up his own business came later in life after seeing how much of an inspiration Rochelle Mae is in her business, Little Flower Moments.
Dominique adores getting to work with his wife. And while he acknowledges they still experience hiccups sometimes, there’s no one else he’d rather work with.
“To me, it feels like being back at school and getting to choose who you work with on a class project, and hands down, you choose right away, your best friend. Rochelle Mae and I complement each other in that wherever we may lack in one thing, the other fills in the gaps,” Dominique said. “Not to say we don’t have our disagreements, but we listen to each other and communicate often, which translates pretty well for both in this work and our marriage.”
Rochelle Mae also expressed her appreciation for Dominique and shared how much she enjoys working with her husband. She appreciates how smoothly everything goes with Dominique regarding creating a business together and praises his creativity.
“Dom is also a maker [with] an eye for design, so I’m always asking him for his input and help on strategizing. We have different skill sets, so we’re able to complement each other very well. As partners in life, we are constantly working together to make decisions, both big and small,” Rochelle Mae said. “Now, being business partners… just added an extra aspect to our daily lives. I wouldn’t want it any other way, and I cannot imagine ever tackling all this with anyone else.”
Joy on the Horizon
Both Dominique and Rochelle Mae look forward to a successful launch of Recording Joy in early 2024. They’re excited to see what will happen in the upcoming year for their business.
Rochelle Mae shares her thoughts on what she hopes the new year will bring for both Recording Joy and Little Flower Moments.
“Growth and exposure would be a general goal for both businesses, I’d say. Right now, we have not spent on any advertising, so we’re incredibly blessed to know that everything has been organic,” Rochelle Mae said. “We are, however, hoping to have a warehouse and a designated company vehicle for Little Flower Moments soon. As for Recording Joy, we are looking forward to a successful launch.”
#GetinMotion with Recording Joy
Follow Recording Joy on Instagram and Facebook to stay updated on future events, and visit their website to sign up for their newsletter! You can also contact them at heythere@recordingjoy.com.
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