Poor Richard’s Players Takes a Pause

PRP – ‘Young Frankenstein’ Performance at the Super Summer Theatre

Poor Richard’s Players

Poor Richard’s Players, a local theatre company, has come far in the Las Vegas arts community.

Part of The Playhouse – a theatrical arts venue hosting multiple production companies, Poor Richard’s Players was founded by Benjamin Loewy, Maxim Lardent, and Lysander Abadia in 2011. 

PRP produces award-winning theatre throughout the Las Vegas valley. They’re recognized as the “Best of Las Vegas” by the Review-Journal, The Las Vegas Weekly, and City Life Magazine.

They’ve also received multiple commendations over the years, including 10 Valley Theatre Awards and six “Best of Fringe” awards at the Las Vegas Fringe Festival.

PRP saw success with their large-scale musicals and critically-acclaimed dramatic productions. However, Loewy, PRP’s Artistic Director, stated the company is “probably best known for their unique brand of comedic works.”

“We continue to push the boundaries of local theatre; not only as a source of entertainment but as a catalyst for open communication about the way we think and feel, love and hate, laugh and cry,” Loewy said. This, as he explains how PRP separates itself from other performing arts groups. 

As a group of “theatrically-focused storytellers, educators, and innovators,” they specialize in producing their own original works. They also take new and old classics “out of their preconceived packaging and presenting them in unconventional ways.” 

“Our mission has always been to encourage dialogue between our artists and our patrons, ignite their wonders and curiosities, and (hopefully) leave our guests inspired.”

Pausing for the Pandemic

 ‘A Dick Johnson Christmas Carol,’ one of PRP’s original works

2020 was particularly tough on PRP, closing their doors in March during the lockdown. As a result, they survive solely on the support of their patrons, according to Loewy. He added that “on paper, the outlook is bleak,” but they remain hopeful.

“At the time of our closure, we had the entire year programmed. We intend to fulfill as many of those productions as possible, once it is safe to do so,” he said.

The regulations for live-performance venues in Nevada are based on the larger venues like those on the Strip. As a result, mandatory minimum distance from the stage to the audience is “absolutely impossible for most small venues to implement.”

With little to no ability to produce shows, they lack the ability to generate income. The situation is dire for performing arts companies in Las Vegas. 

“Many local venues applied and got approved for financial aid through government assistance and grants. That money, however, has been inexplicably “tied up” and not appropriately distributed to many of us,” Loewy explained.

Help your favorite venues and artists by donating and contacting your representatives to express concern about the issue. 

“The negative effects of this pandemic in conjunction with certain failures on the part of local and national government officials will no doubt have long-lasting repercussions on every member of this amazing arts community,” he said. “There is no certain outcome, no guaranteed future for any of us right now.”

Pushing Forward

Despite the uncertainty, PRP remains positive and keeps moving forward through this crisis.

“We strive to pursue our passions in any way we can until that beautiful day comes when we can all return to the boards,” Loewy said.

In conclusion, he said we must do whatever we can to preserve the local arts community. 

“It is a cornerstone [of] our culture and history. Given the nature of the world right now, we’ve never needed art and creativity more than we do at this moment.”

To support Poor Richard’s Players – donate to them directly; sign up for their newsletter; check out upcoming streamed events planned; and visit their website at https://www.theplayhouselv.com/. Follow them on Facebook and Instagram to get the latest news from the company. 



Catherine Daleo

Student. Dog mom. Writer. Artist. Hiking Enthusiast. Environmentalist. Humanitarian. Animal lover. Reader. Conversationalist.