Nevada Conservation League Lobby Week
The Nevada Conservation League is gearing up for its Conservation Lobby Week. This biennial event encourages Nevadans to use their voice to talk to their legislator and advocate for strong conservation policies during the Nevada legislative session.
“The decisions we make on conservation today are critical for a sustainable tomorrow,” said Paul Selberg, the Nevada Conservation League Executive Director. “It’s important that our legislators understand the existential threat of the climate crisis and that climate action is not just important; it’s necessary.”
The Nevada Conservation League (NCL) is the political voice of Nevada’s conservation community. According to their mission statement, NCL works to “maintain and enhance the natural character of Nevada and the quality of life for Nevadans through effective advocacy; the election of pro-conservation candidates; and building collaboration.”
Under normal circumstances, NCL bussed Nevadans up to Carson City for Conservation Lobby Week. There, they’d attend legislative hearings, provide comments on bills, and meet their legislator. Due to the pandemic, Conservation Lobby Week will be hosted virtually to keep Nevadans and legislators safe.
Conservation Lobby Week will also feature a series of virtual town halls over four days. Each day focuses on specific components of the environmental and conservation movement.
From March 22nd to March 25th, the public can join nightly town halls to discuss policies addressing the climate crisis, climate inequities, clean energy goals, and public lands in Nevada. These sessions will run each night from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m.
Lobby Week Lineup
The nightly schedule for Conservation Lobby Week is as follows:
- Monday, March 22, 2021 – Climate Justice and Equity
Featured Speaker(s): Dr. Kristen Averyt – Nevada Climate Policy Coordinator
Understand the disproportionate effects of climate change on historically marginalized communities and what policies are being considered this session to advance their health, safety, and well-being.
- Tuesday, March 23, 2021 – Public Lands, Outdoor Recreation, and Conservation
Featured Speaker(s): Assemblywoman Cecelia Gonzalez, Assemblywoman Sarah Peters, and Assemblyman Howard Watts
Discuss the importance of prioritizing Nevada’s Indigenous community in conversations surrounding public lands and learn how conservation of public lands can boost the economy and protect culturally and spiritually significant landscapes.
- Wednesday, March 24, 2021 – Clean Energy and Climate Initiatives
Featured Speaker(s): Senator Chris Brooks, Senator Dallas Harris, and Assemblywoman Daniele Monroe-Moreno
Explore clean energy policies that work toward our statewide goal of net-zero emissions by 2050 and prioritize at-risk communities, all while positioning Nevada as a renewable energy leader.
- Thursday, March 25, 2021 – Looking Ahead
Featured Speaker(s): Senate Majority Leader Nicole Cannizzaro and Speaker of the Assembly Jason Frierson
Hear from ranking members of the Nevada legislature about what to expect for the remainder of the 2021 legislative session, as well as their recommendation to participants for staying active and engaged.
#GetinMotion with the Nevada Conservation League
To attend Lobby Week, register here. You can indicate on the form if you’d like to get in touch with your legislator.
Learn more about the Nevada Conservation League by visiting their website.