A cataclysmic event has happened that has changed the very fabric of everything I know or will know. This event has affected not just me but millions just like me in the most terrifying way possible. No, it’s not the pandemic… it’s the fact that I’ve moved back to my parents’ house at 25!
They say a quarter-life crisis is inevitable, but I thought that was utter bullshit; I was living 1,000 miles away from my hometown with an amazing job, great friends, and new adventures on the horizon. Then everything changed when the pandemic attacked.
After Corona shut down most businesses in my area, it was only a matter of time before my job gave me the ax too. (Apparently, a Social Media Coordinator isn’t as important as keeping the “Business Development Manager” …who knew?)
Now I’m here, back in my hometown, sleeping in my childhood bedroom and seeing kids I went to high school with. I spent my 25th birthday surrounded by my family like I was 16 again.
Though I’ve been freaking out about it a bit, I’ve been trying to keep a leveled head about this whole situation. I mean, there are positives to any situation, and if I look at what most people have been going through, it makes me feel a bit better in a way.
I think, in a way, all of us are in the same boat together. And though the dynamic of living at home is very different from when I was here seven years ago, at least my mom still cuts the crust off my sandwiches.