The Christmas Goose Quilt Shop Celebrates Craft Month

[An inspiring quote shown in The Christmas Goose encourages people to pursue their dreams before it is too late.]

National Craft Month: An Opportunity To Find Simple Happiness

In March, with blossoming flowers and the approach of spring, we celebrate National Craft Month. People celebrate by visiting local craft outlets in their neighborhood, participating in an art workshop with their kids, and appreciating the craftworks shown in participating local art centers this month.

According to National Today, the word ‘craft’ was synonymous with “trade,” meaning skilled labor in a particular area, such as weaving, engine repair, and carpentry. Nowadays, craftwork means more than the above activities. Knitting, jewelry making, quilting, floral designing, and anything created by hands are considered craftworks. 

Celebrating National Craft Month is a wonderful opportunity for you to spark your creativity. So if you relish the thought of spending a day in a cozy, artistic craft store, here’s a perfect spot for you to visit!

The Christmas GooseA Traditional Quilt Store In Town

[The Christmas Quilt Store is a traditional craft store rooted in Vegas for 29 years.]

The Christmas Goose, a traditional quilt store located in Vegas for 29 years, is an idyllic and relaxing playground for craft lovers to spend time quilting and designing other craftworks. Andrea Marquez, who took over the shop in 2005 from her mother, dedicates herself to promoting quilt art in town.

When asked about her definition of craft, Marquez said, “To me, craft is something made with our hands. It can be addicting to be able to spend time using our brains for something other than work.” 

It’s difficult spending time doing things in this money-driven world that don’t relate to earning profit or competing with others. However, the world of art and craft differs from the business world. It’s all about creativity, concentration, and enjoying every minute with your handmade art piece. It’s not about being better or more artistic than others, but a solitary activity focusing on yourself. 

“My craft is quilting,” Marquez said. “And I love everything about it, from the process of cutting and sewing to the finished product of having a quilt to wrap up in.”

The Journey Of Operating a Craft Store

[There are different colors of fabrics and thread in the store. The store only sells the best quality materials.]

Operating a local craft store for 29 years is not easy. When asked about the motivation to sustain the business, Marquez said, “I think it is important for people to have hobbies to keep their hands and minds busy.  It’s an outlet for creativity and can help with depression, brain function, and mobility in the long run.” 

Regarding the obstacles she faced with opening the store, Marquez recalled her memories with her mom from that time.

“When my mom and I first opened the shop in 1993, the scariest thing was worrying about whether people would come to the shop. Will they like what we are offering?” she said. “Confidence was key, though. We have always believed in ourselves and this business, and it has shown to be successful over the years.”

There are a few keys to success for entrepreneurs wanting to open up craft stores in town. These include pouring all your effort into promoting your store, finding high-quality craft materials, treating your customers with sincerity, and most importantly, being passionate about your work.

Marquez also shared about the most rewarding thing she’s derived from owning a craft store. “I get the most satisfaction from my customers when they are excited to show us their finished quilt,” she said. “The happiness that comes from them because of their accomplishments is very rewarding.”   

As a dedicated quilter herself, Marquez recommended people try quilting if they want to explore the arts and craft world. 

“The finished project is a useful item to have that you’ve made with your own hands (and a machine),” she said. “This is a time-old tradition passed down from many generations, and I love the nostalgia and history of quilting.”

Visit the Christmas Goose Quilt Shop at 2988 S. Durango Dr., Suite #109. They’re open Monday through Thursday 10 am – 6 pm, Friday and Saturday 10 am – 5 pm, and Sunday from 12 – 4 pm. Follow them on Instagram and Facebook, and visit their website to check out the classes, services, and promotions they offer.

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The Benefits of Crafting

A cute bunny made by quilting displayed in the store.

Crafting does more than relax your mind; it’s also an antidote to depression and anxiety. 

When I was in high school, the pressure of schoolwork and public exams drove me to the edge of a mental breakdown. I could barely sleep at night and woke up at three in the morning staring at the ceiling with a mind filled with worries and hopeless thoughts. My mum taught me a simple craft to do at that time, and she said it would help me calm myself down. 

She bought me a stack of color papers and taught me how to make paper stars. Starting from that time, I’d sit in front of the desk and make paper stars whenever I felt overwhelmed by schoolwork. Crafting is like building up a shelter for myself to put aside all my burdens and forget about the hassles in life.

Fill Your Life With Crafts

A finished quilt product is shown in the store. The theme of the product is Christmas.

It’s not common to hear people do craftworks nowadays. We’re all living such fast-paced lifestyles, working from dawn to dusk and struggling hard to lead a work-life balance.

While it’s more convenient to sit on the couch and watch Netflix in your free time, why don’t you go to a craft store and look for some ideas to decorate your house? You can make a floral deco, draw a portrait, knit a cute bunny, and do anything that makes you relax and recharge. 

The advancement of technology makes us forget how we used to play with paper airplanes, sit and watch our grandmothers knit us a scarf in winter, and that we used to enjoy our life with only basic tools and materials. But, crafting is simpler than we think. All you need is your hands and the creativity you have long abandoned. So grab a paper, buy a knitting kit, and start filling your life with crafts!