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NVCADP: Repealing the Death Penalty

Back in July, we covered NVCADP's efforts to repeal the death penalty here in NV. Since then, they have continued their work here in the state with that mission, and have incorporated new ways of reaching out to people about the issue, including both art and community organizing. Read more to learn about the things they've been doing since July!

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“Sink or Swim”

I've come to feel that it's not a mountain we are currently climbing, but rather a river in which we are all caught up in, with twists and turns, rocks and waterfalls. And that we shouldn't be saying "sink or swim", but rather working on floating rather than fighting the current, and also not letting others around us drown.

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‘REC’ & ‘Quarantine’: The Problem with Remakes

The American film industry is notorious for their remakes of previously successful movies and franchises, including ones that were originally foreign films. And that success of the original film is almost never translated into success for the remake, as is the case between 2007 foreign-film, 'REC', and 2008 remake, 'Quarantine'. Marc breaks down where the remake failed and why the original was such a success.

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The Importance of the USPS & How to Help Save It

The USPS is more important than you might realize! Whether you rely on them or not, it is essential that we protect this constitutionally protected public good for all Americans! Read to learn about just how vital this service is, and why you should help fight for it!

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“The Obesity-Hunger Paradox” Response

Despite America being one of the wealthiest and overweight countries, the levels of hunger and food-insecurity occurring at the same time are cause for concern. Marc Orkins breaks down his response to the Obesity-Hunger Paradox (by Sam Dolnick), covering the issues at hand and how to address them.

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