Miscellaneous written content.
I've come to feel that it's not a mountain we are currently climbing, but rather a river in which we are all caught up in, with twists and turns, rocks and waterfalls. And that we shouldn't be saying "sink or swim", but rather working on floating rather than fighting the current, and also not letting others around us drown.
Music has a profound effect on us, especially when paired with media we are consuming visually. A great example of this is how the music of Game of Thrones adds to the storytelling of the series. Marc Orkins breaks down these effects in his latest essay piece.
The pandemic uprooted the lives of many. Read more about how Amadeus came to terms with moving back in with his parents. Read more to learn how he's come to terms with it, and what his own personal silver lining is!
The American film industry is notorious for their remakes of previously successful movies and franchises, including ones that were originally foreign films. And that success of the original film is almost never translated into success for the remake, as is the case between 2007 foreign-film, 'REC', and 2008 remake, 'Quarantine'. Marc breaks down where the remake failed and why the original was such a success.
Despite America being one of the wealthiest and overweight countries, the levels of hunger and food-insecurity occurring at the same time are cause for concern. Marc Orkins breaks down his response to the Obesity-Hunger Paradox (by Sam Dolnick), covering the issues at hand and how to address them.
As Pride month comes to a close, we want to show our continued support and dedication to the LGBTQ+ community by putting a small spotlight on some of our amazing content creators from the community!
"Pushing past the pain."
Domestic violence is a hard topic to discuss, but it needs to be talked about for us to take action and make progress on this issue.
Amber Giroux bravely shares her experience as a domestic violence survivor, hoping to help others who need to be seen and heard in their own situations of abuse.
This is part one of Amber's series on her experience.
In the late night churning of an over-caffeinated brain, a poem was born about our current collective pain.
In the coming weeks, millions will have lost their jobs or homes or may have died.
But we can prevent this catastrophe and fight back if we are strongly unified.
Guest writer, Lauren Lomprey (the Doodling Nomad), writes about her experience with whale watching while in Alaska, symbolically adopting a whale, and shares some of the knowledge she's gained about whales, just in time for National Whale Day!
“There wasn’t room for human emotions on a post-rapture Earth. Now God is dead, and the remnants of humanity are lead by a theocracy intent on avoiding mistakes of the past. One girl, the adopted daughter of a high-ranking pastor, struggles to be deemed acceptable while growing close with a mysterious girl who, in turn, suffers a rare mental condition that makes it difficult to comprehend emotions. Outside forces threaten to eviscerate them from the inside out before they can realize their deepest wants.”