AI Art and The Detrimental Impacts On Artists
Art has evolved over time, from the first cave paintings to digital art. Today, no artistic medium receives as much criticism as AI art.
Art has evolved over time, from the first cave paintings to digital art. Today, no artistic medium receives as much criticism as AI art.
A huge component of capitalism is the endless array of profitable identities for people to attach to themselves, from their Harry Potter or Game of Thrones house, to their very gender and sexuality. Read more about this concept as Vera breaks down the impacts of labels and otherism in our society.
Throughout March, we celebrate Women's History Month and pay homage to the many contributions of strong and powerful women. Read more about this celebration, some local history, and more!
For World Poetry Day, Christy compared two translations of the famous poem by Li Bai - ‘Bring in the Wine.'
Outdoor recreation accounts for one of the country’s largest economic sectors. In Nevada, it's one of the fastest-growing economic sectors, touching every part of the state.
Music has a profound effect on us, especially when paired with media we are consuming visually. A great example of this is how the music of Game of Thrones adds to the storytelling of the series. Marc Orkins breaks down these effects in his latest essay piece.
The American film industry is notorious for their remakes of previously successful movies and franchises, including ones that were originally foreign films. And that success of the original film is almost never translated into success for the remake, as is the case between 2007 foreign-film, 'REC', and 2008 remake, 'Quarantine'. Marc breaks down where the remake failed and why the original was such a success.
Despite America being one of the wealthiest and overweight countries, the levels of hunger and food-insecurity occurring at the same time are cause for concern. Marc Orkins breaks down his response to the Obesity-Hunger Paradox (by Sam Dolnick), covering the issues at hand and how to address them.