Endometriosis Awareness Month
For Endometriosis Month, Kiara interviewed her mother to help raise awareness about this conditions that impacts so many people's lives.
Anecdotes and experiences
For Endometriosis Month, Kiara interviewed her mother to help raise awareness about this conditions that impacts so many people's lives.
For Make Your Own Holiday Day, Christy explored the concept of creating Family Reunion Day. Read about how this day is set up and more!
In honor of Black History Month, Kiara wrote about the holiday's history, as well as perspectives from her grandma and local Black-owned business, Paws Off The Table!
In honor of National Day of Unplugging, Christy unplugged for a whole day and recorded her experience. Read more to find out what she learned!
One of the things I’ve learned during the pandemic is to not say sorry for everything. Instead, I now say, “thank you for your patience.”
I recently made a big accomplishment! I finally got the Kadoatie Avatar on Neopets! And it only took me about six months to do it.
As more places open back up, questions surrounding how to return to work and opinions of whether or not to continue telecommuting vary widely.
Dealing with grief is hard enough on its own, but college students experiencing grief have an added layer of difficulty to manage, especially after the last year.
The older we get, the more we realize that time is precious. Once we realize this, the growing pains begin as we start to fear time moving too fast.
As I've gotten older, taking inspiration from 'Inside Out', I've come to terms with the importance of disgust as a guiding emotion.