Articles on trauma, loss, and mourning

Happy Camper Overdose Response Team: Responding to the Fentanyl Epidemic

Happy Camper Overdose Response is working to address the issue of fentanyl overdose here in Las Vegas through education and response at local events.

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Climate Crisis Songs, Pt. 3: ‘That Funny Feeling’

In part three of my climate crisis song series, we'll dissect the song, 'That Funny Feeling' by Bo Burnham, and the related themes of rising sea levels, existentialism, & desensitization.

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Climate Crisis Songs, Pt. 1: ‘Feels Like Summer’

For Earth Month, I wanted to write about references to the climate crisis in music. We begin with 'Feels Like Summer' by Childish Gambino.

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Wynn Alan Bruce – ‘Don’t Go Unnoticed…’

Six months ago, on Earth Day, April 22nd, climate activist Wynn Alan Bruce self-immolated himself in front of the Supreme Court building. His death inspired me to create a design in honor of his sacrifice.

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My First COVID Loss

On January 9th, my grandma lost her battle to COVID, marking my first loss to the virus. Writing about the experience and my thoughts about everything helps me cope. If you've also lost a loved one recently, I hope it helps you in some way.

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