Art is Humanity – A Poem
From echoes of the distant past,
Shouts of the glaring present,
And whispers of the beckoning future
We see art as the tool of existence.
Through precarious permanence, art creates lasting life.
Engaging in it expresses our presence with intention.
To decorate our thoughts and emotions is to be human;
To create art is to be creators, not just consumers.
Art gives us understanding, meaning, interaction, and connection.
Without it, we are lost to ourselves and each other.
Without its guiding light, we will cease to exist;
We will cease being human as we know it.
Handing art over to machines relinquishes our very humanity.
To outsource to algorithms is to sell our very souls.
Without art, we invite our very extinction.
We must preserve art’s humanity to save our own.
A Word About the Poem
This poem is about the importance of art, and how it is what makes us human. Willfully giving it to AI to create for us, while removing the human element from it, and erasing artists and creators from the workforce cannot be our legacy. We will cease to be human.
AI can be a tool to help humanity, but in its current forms and current uses through capitialistic systems, it has become detrimental to society and humanity as a whole. It has the potential to do great things to help us, but unless we reign it in and use it ethically with people in mind first, not profits, then we will become completely suppressed by it.
Do we want to use it to be used to surveil and replace people, or do we want it to work to solve the biggest questions and problems that we face as society? Let it identify cancer and disease, or some other meaningful purposes. But don’t willingly let it replace people or be used for ill intentions. Don’t let it erase our humanity. And don’t let it take art and creativity away from us.
And please for the love of hunanity, don’t cheer on its erasure of humanity, or celebrate the ones using it for that purpose.
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