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I don’t normally put these types of posts on the website, as they’re geared towards our social media platforms, but while we are working on getting new content together in this next week, and as we are all taking things one day at a time, I felt it would be a good idea to do so for this post to hopefully give you all some things to think about over the next couple of days. Especially if you are starting to be overwhelmed by various emotions or are going stir crazy. – Cat
Today, March 20th, we celebrate three different obscure holidays – #WorldStorytellingDay, #WontYouBeMyNeighborDay, and #InternationalDayofHappiness.
With everything going on, we wanted to combine all three into one post, and touch on each one, and how they relate to what we are all going through and experiencing together. And, we want to use these holidays as an opportunity to do a #CommunityConversation and #CommunityChallenge for you all in these coming weeks. This post will continue in the comments.
Storytelling is a form of art and self-expression that we as humans have used for thousands of years to share information, ideas, lessons, culture, and so much more. And during this time where we are all isolating ourselves to protect one another, and might be going a bit stir crazy, we encourage you to share stories with your family, make up some on the spot if you feel creative, or write out that story you’ve had in your head but haven’t had time to put it on paper. Share in the comments below what your favorite story is and why, or share a story you like to tell or has been passed down to you! Let us return to our roots of sharing stories and ideas with one another to remind us of what makes us human.
Next, during these scary, uncertain times, we must remember our communities as a whole, and maintain a sense of neighborliness. And that is not just to those who live next door to us – neighborliness can extend outside to our streets, cities, or states. It can include our country, and our world as a whole. We must remember each other, work together, and support each other to the best of our abilities. So, for this holiday, we are strongly encouraging all those who can to one, check on your neighbors and see if they need any help getting supplies, need some type of company, or any other kind of support; and two, see what groups organizations in your community need help to collect or deploy resources/supplies or need help in different ways. Share what things you’ve seen out in your community and ways people are helping one another, and any resources you know of.
Lastly, it is definitely not easy to find happiness during this time, but it is not impossible. As a community conversation to help spread positivity and light during this darkness, and put a smile on someone else’s face, please share something that made you smile or made you happy recently. And, as a challenge, we encourage everyone to do at least one thing with purpose this next week to try and bring yourself some happiness. Play that old video game. Make some art. Write in some capacity. Talk to someone you love on the phone. Take your dog for a walk. Go hiking (and remember proper social distancing guidelines). Listen to some old music or a favorite band. Read that book. Whatever brings you happiness, do it. Do it unapologetically. And then, share with others what you did to make you happy, and how it made you feel to do it.
Whichever of these prompts you decide to do in the coming days, do it with strength and love. Use this time to remember yourself, and to remember others. In this next week, find something to do for yourself, and for your community.
Share or create stories. Be neighborly in any way you can be. And remember to find something that makes you happy.
These are all ways we can fight the feelings of despair, hopelessness, fear, anxiousness, or any other emotions you happen to be feeling. And all of these emotions are valid to feel. Just try to not let them overwhelm you. We will all get through this together. So use this time to create, to do, and to be. And, remember to share as much love as you can, be kind, and be the change you want to see.
Stay safe, and sane, out there. Our love and thoughts are with our community, near and far. <3
#community #positivity #neighborliness #remembereachother #strongertogether #united #vegasstrong #love #hope #compassion #stories #storytelling #helponeanother #tellstories #behappy #dowhatmakesyouhappy #oneworld #onepeople #bekind #bethechange #getinmotion